Disko (acronym for Diskurs-Kontinuum) was a publication series of 0093 a42.org, the master’s program in architecture and urban research directed by Arno Brandlhuber at the Academy of Fine Arts Nuremberg. The aim of this series was to communicate the research and debates taking place within the study program to the outside world. Disko appeared between 2006 and 2013 in packages of three to six issues, each of which was produced in an economical DIN A5 format.
Download Disko 5: Christian Posthofen / a42.org, “Theorie und Praxis”
Download Disko 6: Jesko Fezer / a42.org, “Planungsmethodik gestern”
Download Disko 7: Büro für Konstruktivismus, “Kristalle”
Disko 5
Humans are instinct-inhibited beings, who therefore, unlike animals, live, communicate, and act in a second nature. They live with consciousness, their imaginations originally concern instinctual aims that are virtualized in an imaginative way. The deferred fulfilment of their instincts becomes work that is motivated by imagination and thus enables them to live and survive together. This results in a lot of confusion. Much of what is presumed to be true and right turns out to be different after all, let alone the difficulties that arise when what is presumably right is communicated.
Disko 6
Horst Rittel and the Studiengruppe für Systemforschung identify malignant problems / Yona Friedman’s flatwriter enables non-paternalistic planning / Tomás Maldonado methods design theory at the The Ulm School of Design / Paul Davidoff invents lawyer planning / The Architecture Machine Group and Nicolas Negroponte carry out the Hessdorf experiment in a Boston ghetto / Jürgen Joedicke fights to formalize the planning process / Robert Goodman calls the planners soft cops / The M.E.T.R.O. planning game deduces the electoral behavior of the population from planning measures / Lucius Burckhardt pleads for a deferment of planning decisions / Reyner Banham, Paul Barker Peter Hall, and Cedric Price completely abolish planning with Non-Plan.
Disko 7
We’re like crystal, we break easy
I’m a poor man, if you leave me
I’m applauded, then forgotten
It was summer, now it’s autumn
Keep it coming, keep it coming, keep it coming
Keep it coming, keep it coming, keep it coming
Keep it coming, keep it coming, keep it coming New Order, “Crystal”
© Brandlhuber+ Team
© Brandlhuber+ Team
© Brandlhuber+ Team
© Brandlhuber+ Team
© Brandlhuber+ Team
© Brandlhuber+ Team