Following on the topic of how laws determine architectural possibilities and how architects can, in turn, shape those laws, this film initiates a series of films about architecture and politics realized in cooperation with the artist and director Christopher Roth. The use of the medium film represents a new methodology of Brandlhuber+ and Christopher Roth, of conveying architectural topics through different forms of time-based media. The film presents excerpts from conversations conducted with architects including Luigi Snozzi, Adam Caruso, Tom Emerson, and Christian Kerez. It describes a model of thought and action that examines the rules and regularities of architecture. Architecture is not only understood as the built environment, but also as a social field. In this juxtaposition of material (built, spatial) and immaterial (political, social) aspects, spheres of action are created that architects can imagine and occupy. Legislate Architecture!
© Arno Brandlhuber and Christopher Roth
© Arno Brandlhuber and Christopher Roth
© Arno Brandlhuber and Christopher Roth